Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Custdorn has approached a stalker!

While Custdorn was in the car getting ready to go he saw the car slowed down the person stopped he looked of his house address he/she probably think he is up to go no good. Custdorn knew he/she looked his house address finally the police arrives to him/she If he/she comes to Custdorn's house again Custdorn needs to do something about It he was expecting to have a smooth autumn/fall break If that is a male he is a burglar trying to steal Custdorn's decent stuff that was unnecessary moment, I think the unknown suspect saw Custdorn's zipcode from YouTube he thinks It is not going public to show everyone It was probably is public it is going to be the most serious crime on television! I know It is going to be Investigation Discovery Custdorn needs to have a smooth life without stalkers or burglars.


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