Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wii 2/ High Definition Only

For the past week or so the web has been on fire with rumors and speculation about Nintendo's new console, currently being referred to by some by its alleged code-name "Project Cafe" and others by its rumored final name of "Stream." Especially now that the company has itself acknowledged the system's existence and pointed to a giant E3 2011 unveil.

It's no surprise that people are insanely excited about Nintendo's Wii successor -- so far sources have indicated that the system will be more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3 (finally, Nintendo games in glorious HD!), and it will have a brand new control mechanism in the form of a touch-screen controller with a camera, eight buttons and two analog sticks. The system will also be backward compatible with Wii games -- dare I speculate (or at least dream) that it will also up-res them to full HD? You know, like the Wii emulator for PC that made such games as Super Mario Galaxy look mindblowingly awesome?

But anyway, while I'm with everyone in being excited about a new HD Nintendo console that has some nifty new controller device, there's actually another reason that I'm looking forward to this new system, one that hasn't really been discussed yet: online.

Sorry Wii Fans It Cost alot of money.

PSN Fans & Xbox Fans will be angry nintendo says it will be better than Psn & Xbox.


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